4. Working with lab data

Learn how to work with data in the lab

Warning! This page is currently under construction. Please do not complete this section yet.

By the end of this section, you should:

  • Have access to the lab's database via two-factor authentication

  • Know how to view, update, and download lab data


  • To view or download lab data, you'll need to an invitation to the lab's database. Ask Katie to grant you permission when you are ready to start this part of the tutorial.

Step 1: View data

Two-factor authentication

To view data in the lab's database, you'll choose sign-in with google. You'll be prompted to enter your code from your authenticator app (we use Google Authenticator).

If this is your first time, you'll be prompted to set up this authentication. First, install Google Authenticator on your phone and follow the steps to set it up.

View a project

Once logged in, the data portion of the database will look like this

Select a project to view the experiments in that project.

Note that you won't be granted access to view experiments in the database until you have been added to the lab's IRB protocol for that experiment. If you can't click on a card to open it, it means you have not been added to that protocol permission group in retool yet.

View an experiment

Within a project, you'll see all of the experiments associated with that project. Each experiment shows a few pieces of information at a glance: where it was run, the last time it was run (or the last time we pulled in the data from lookit), the IRB protocol number, and the number of runs (this number includes tests).

Select an experiment to view more details. Each experiment has 5 sections:


High level details about the experiment, including a link to where to find the source code for the study (usually github or lookit).


A list of conditions available for the experiment if they exist.

Run experiment

Links to run the experiment, either live or as a test.

Download all data

Links to download all of the data associated with the experiment, with or without trial-by-trial data.

View all runs

A table showing all of the runs of an experiment, including tests. You can view an individual run to see the data associated with a particular run, including links to any recordings.

Note that not all experiments will have recordings

Step 2: Update data

Now that you know how to view the data for a project, let's practice updating a run of an experiment. Research assistants will sometimes be asked to do this to indicate notes about a run. For example, if you ran a child in a study and their mom picked them up early, you could note it this way.

Run in the training study

To get a sense for how this works, run yourself in the training study! Visit training.childlanglabexperiments.org and fill and make the following selections:

Hit Submit and run yourself in the study. It should take 2-3 minutes.

View your run

When you've finished, you should see your data in the training-project data table. You can tell by checking the daterun column. If you don't see your run, hit the reload button at the bottom of the table.

Click on your run to view the details. Again, make sure it is indeed your run — the daterun column should match the day and time you ran in the study.

Practice updating data in the database by marking your run excluded with theExclude this run button. Then leave a note in the box to let us know it was your training run (e.g. "[Yourname]'s training run."). Press Update run to ensure your changes save!

Step 3: Download data

Download all data

Downloading data is pretty straightforward, just click the Export data as CSV button at the bottom of a project's data table!

Download some data

However, sometimes you might want to only get *some* of a project's data. To do that, you can use the filter button at the bottom left of the table.

This will allow you to filter the data based on the available columns. If you have a filter applied and your click Export data as CSV, you will only export the *filtered* data.

Wahoo! You've finished the fourth part of the Onboarding Tutorial. For some of you, this was your last step! For others, you'll also be asked to complete the advanced moves.

Last updated