Lab Orientation


We're so glad to have you on board. Follow the steps below to get started in the lab.

1 Lab Handbook

Read the lab handbook for an overview of what we do and what is important to us

Lab Handbook

2 Twist

We use Twist instead of email in the lab to communicate with each other. It's like Slack, but prioritizes long form messages called "threads". Follow these steps to learn to use it:

3 Todoist

We use Todoist to manage projects and assign tasks to research support staff in our lab. The lab has just one project in Todoist: ChildLangLab. You'll be invited to this project via email. If it does not appear when you login, click the bell icon in the upper right corner to accept the invitations.

4 Lab Calendar

We use a Teamup calendar as our lab's calendar. There are five color-coded calendars:

  1. Birthdays & Holidays (green) - for lab member birthdays and upcoming holidays

  2. Toto (purple) - to schedule time on the coding computer

  3. Lab Events (orange) - for lab events like lab meetings, conferences, abstract deadlines, etc.

  4. Hours (light blue) - The number of hours an RA plans to work each week. This lets the rest of the lab know what support is available in a given week.

  5. Time Off (pink) - RAs unavailable that week or with TBD availability. Also includes other notes about when someone is not expected in the lab (vacations, leave, etc).

Practice using the calendar

5 Lab Wiki

We use GitBook to create our lab wiki (this website)! You can find an access link to GitBook on our Lab Passwords list, shared with you via LastPass (ask Katie if you haven't received this!)

First, read the how to guide:


Then, edit this page by adding your name to the list below:

  • Joan Martin, 2021-05-10

  • Aja Altenhof, 2021-05-25

  • Amy Krimm, 2021-06-08

  • Tula Childs, 2021-6-14

  • Katarina Siggelkow, 2021-06-16

  • Cynthia Gu, 2021-06-21

  • Lauren Kim, 2021-08-03

  • Gwen Hildebrandt, 2021-09-15

  • Yiran Chen, 2022-09-23

  • Abby Ray, 2022-10-25

  • Alessandra Pintado-Urbanc, 2023-01-05

  • Nina Wang, 2023-01-23

  • Milana Korobko, 2023-01-11

  • Zaid Tabaza, 2023-06-12

6 Lab Email

Everyone in the lab is responsible for making sure we check the lab's shared email account and send friendly, prompt responses to our participants. Read our how-to guide for working with our lab's shared email account and getting the tone right in your responses to participants.


We want you to practice using the lab's email and responding to sticky situations. To prepare, send three emails from you (your own email) to

  1. Scenario #1, study not working: put (Yourname Training) Study not working in the subject line. Write a short note in the body of the email pretending you are a parent and the study link didn't work for you.

  2. Scenario #2, participant not paid: put (Yourname Training) Not paid in the subject line. Write a short note in the body of the email pretending you are a participant who did not receive payment.

  3. Scenario #3, expired service: put (Yourname Training) Something expired in the subject line. Write a short note in the body of the email pretending a service we use will expire soon.

When you've finished, complete the following steps:

7 Collecting papers

Read the Collecting papers section of the How to do a lit review instructions, linked below:

Lit review

Practice adding papers to a collection by adding to our Lila collection.

8 Preregistration

When working on a lab project, you may be asked to preregister an experiment, or to view or work with an existing preregistration. We use for preregistration in our lab. Create an account and practice using AsPredicted by following these steps:

9 Protecting participants

Before you can participate in research with human subjects in our lab, you need to be trained to take special care to protect their rights as participants.

Hooray! You've finished the Lab Orientation! Proud of you!

Last updated